Now this map should be called Crysis You Blow Up Everyone with a TAC Launcher Nuke Gun Map instead of Crysis Aliens Invade SP Map. The frame rate on this map is going to kill you and your computer, but it's worth playing for the 10, yes 10 frames per second you will get when you play this map. During some moments when you do kill off everyone the frame rate will hit 18, but then launch that TAC Nuke Gun and it will go back to 10.
This map spawns you right in front of a huge alien so you have to pick up a weapon quickly. Now before you go swooping all of the weapons you really only need one gun. The TAC Nuke is right next to a crate all by its lonesome self just begging for you to pick it up. Since I haven't finished the single player missions in Crysis I didn't know what this gun was when I first played this map. I picked up the TAC Launcher and fell instantly in love. Now for some off reason the huge aliens are not effected by the Nuke, but it's worth noting that they do look amazing in a pile of rubble.
Below are some pictures I took during my last outing. That pink dot in the middle of the picture, well that's my friend P. P and I don't like Aliens, especially ones that could stomp us with one tentacle. So sometimes P and I like to pay a visit and say, "Hi," to the Aliens very politely.
In this next picture P or as some like to call him TAC Nuke decides that he needs to get closer, because he doesn't think the alien heard him the first time. In a more firm tone P says, "Mr. Alien can you please leave my island, take your crazy technology, and go to your home planet please."
P and I had enough of the Aliens shenanigans and decide it's time to show the Aliens, and especially this jerk that didn't respond to our politeness, what were really made of. I tell P to give him a special thank you card for visiting Earth, and disrupting my beautiful vacation by bringing these NK's and Aliens to my Island.
The Alien laughs at the both of us, but then is a bit caught off guard by the nice thank you card that we gave him. It starts off with a nice pink light.
And then it ends with the rest of the very few living Aliens picking up pieces of their ignorant brother in law. P and I decided to end the card with, "Come Back Soon!"
Crysis Aliens Invade SP Map is a great map for your user map library. I recommend download it soon and wreaking havoc amongst all of the invaders of your perfect Island Oasis. Go to the Gamespot Downloads page to download the Crysis Map.
MAM - File Producer