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Mario Kart Troubles

Everyone is familiar with the famous racing series Mario Kart. Recently I purchased Mario Kart DS, and I have to say it's an amazing game. But there's one thing. See every 2:30 I play Mario Kart DS with eight of my friends. These guys have played Mario Kart for awhile now whereas I am still a n00b at it. Although I have managed to not get last place over these last five months I still haven't managed to successfully break into the top three.

Now I have started to use the number 9 Kart with Bowser which is hard at first to use, because it lacks speed, but the Kart has amazing acceleration. I used to use the number 15 Kart Robo Legs with Bowser which had amazing speed, but not that great acceleration. Now for each race we play out of ten I tend to be in good position for most of the laps, but I am finally figuring out that it's the last lap of the three laps that matters the most. I come up short every time and end up in fifth or last place. I can't seem to find a good strategy yet, but I am working at it.

The new strategy that I will be adopting soon is the Snaking Strategy. Yes yes I know I know. Boooooooooo. But right now I just unlocked dry bones, and I am going for it. I will update soon on how I am doing with Dry Bones.