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Race for the Sarju Cup

Hello Everyone,

I am your MAMissioner for Kart Kall: Race for the Cup Series. Below you will find the MAMetrics, basically telling you everything you need to know about the Cup Series. The first cup will be called the Sarju Cup series. After that it will be decided by the winner what the cup is called after that. If you have any questions email me and we'll deal with them together. Until then this is your MAMissioner signing out.

The Race for the Sarju Cup

- 30 day Cup Series.

- Out of those 30 days you tally up your 10 best place finishes and average out the score. The Racer with the lowest score wins the cup.

Point System

- 1st Place = 1 Point

- 2nd Place = 2 Points

- 3rd Place = 3 Points and so on

- What makes this race for the cup even more exciting is the fact that if you get a good enough score early on you can then Foodz everyone until the 30 days are up making the race for the cup harder.

- After Each Cup Series the Winner gets to choose the name of the next cup and keep the coveted Kart Kall Trophy.

Sign Up

- Pick a driver.

- You can only choose that driver throughout the entire race series. You can't change Drivers until the next cup series.

- Pick a Kart.

- You can only choose one Kart for that entire series. You can't change Kart's until the next cup series.

- Pick a Sponsor.

- You need a Sponsor to represent you. It can be any legit company or wacky company like Liberty City Cleaners.

Pick a Name

- Go with your usual name from Kart or a new name for the Cup Series. Keep that name until the series ends, which then you can change your name or stick with it.


So there you go. Any questions just email me and we'll fix them together. Let's Kart.