VOTE MAM Campaign
Why should you vote MAM, you say? MAM is not just a person; he is a symbol of what is right and just in the world. Did you know that MAM once saved a whole village from an exploding volcano by sacrificing himself to the God's? The rumors are true; MAM is from a divine descent, but he is one of you. Half Man half God. But if he ever heard you utter the words God he would damn you to the depths of the Universe, that's how much MAM cares and chooses to be human.
What does MAM stand for? MAM stands for the right to chew gum while walking. Yes, he believes in chocolate covered broccoli and the ability to stay underwater for more then five minutes. Those rights have been taken away from you, and MAM will not stand by that. Those rights that were given to you by the God's themselves have been stripped away by the tyranny we call the Super Internet.
Many of you are too you to remember when the internet was young and so innocent. Once could surf the web for hours at a time, without patrol or reason. What happen to those simple pleasures? MAM believes that the Super Internet took those away when it found out how much Monopoly money it could actually make by charging you to surf the web. If you vote MAM in the coming election you will not regret it.
If you VOTE MAM, he will bring peace to the internet and break the chains from the intergalactic corporations of the world, that they so willingly placed upon us. He will allow you to chew gum on the streets, drink juice at 1:30 in the morning, he will deliver us from this hell we live in and shed light to the pathway of Eden. Family, friends, lend me your ears and souls for I promise that MAM will take us to UTOPIA.