marcos316's comments

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Edited By marcos316

The new psp looks cool but why would I buy a new one just to plug into my tv. My old psp already does that I can just connect it to my 360 and the videos play. I dont want to play a psp game on a big tv, whats the point? just buy a console then.

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Edited By marcos316

What a title! 360 fans (me being one of them) are probably having a good laugh at this one. **top five things Splinter Cell 5, Alan Wake, Crysis(pc), Gears of War, Mass Effect "How is it that a machine as powerful as the PlayStation 3 can't manage to browse more than a few Web sites without crashing? I'll forgive the PSP's horrendous browsing capabilities, but the PlayStation 3 doesn't have any memory storage or processing horsepower excuses. At the very minimum, you have 20GB of storage, plenty of RAM, and an array of processors. What gives? " I'm sorry but a fan of any system must find this point hilarious, no matter if this was 360 or the PS3. I was actually going to buy a PS3 over a 360 because I though these little feautres gave it the advantage over the 360. PS3 is still a good system but i'll get one when the price drops, thats the only real thing that sony needs to fix.