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marcoxnoto Blog

Back in the States

Well, after four months, my stay in Florence has ended and I am back in the States. I have to catch up on all the games I have missed -- Suikoden V, Kingdom Hearts 2, Grandia 3, Shadow Hearts, etc -- but I will eventually get to it, I am sure. Too bad that I work two jobs and barely have any time to play at all. Patience, my dear, patience.

Gin is Bad.

In hindsight, maybe last night's drinking of five shots total of gin, vodka, and tequilla was not really that good of an idea. Did I mention it was five shots in 90 minutes? Did I also mention that I am 5'9" and 135 pounds? Yes. Needless to say, my very loving partner got to see the lovely dinner I made for us... twice. Gin is bad. It tastes like pine trees. I would rather chew on an evergreen. Thanks. Okay. So I'm not quite sure what the backlash will be like after I announce this earth-shattering news brief. However, here goes: I think I have decided the Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time is my favorite game to date. Sophia Esteed is also top 5 on my "favorite characters of all time" list. SQEEEEE!. I need it!