I THINK it wouldnt cuz I have xbox 360, and I wont be able to play it >:( ..... it cant just be 4 everyone? I mean c'mon D:
marcsk8ter8's forum posts
I've seen this problem.Like he said shuffle through your weapons and choose the fist,then just run up up really quick to the gang and start playing.:)
I don't think there is any other clothes you could wear.Hey I may just be stupid but, is it just me or are there no clothing options for johnny? I cant seem to find any way to change his attire... Help please?! How can I get some more threads?
Win races for some of the Japanese bikes (i.e. NRG 900). After that one mission with the bike chase, Clay will also bring you a Hexer when you want one (kind of negates the entire "only one in Liberty City" thing).AndrnI don't think he gives u the custom hexer.
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