@joshmon_us Lol, obviously you dont know me, im a HUGE pc gamer. My computer has cost me over 2000 dollars currently, and im still working on it. I believe the pc is superior in most ways (thought admitedly it sucks with certain genres of games). I just agree that it doesnt matter what games you compare on the pc to consoles the pc wins, but it really isnt a fair competition, its like comparing minor league baseball to major league (graphicly not quality dont yell at me claiming i said pc games are better)
@profileap600 They did early this year i think. The PC won on all games compared, but as ShadowFlame6 said earlier, its not fare to compare pc capabilities to consoles.
The PS3 has slights worse graphics in cross-platform games becasue the PS3 is harder to code for, which a lot of developers could confirm. So it just takes to much work to make them equal, so the PS3 just gets as close as the developers feel like making it look. If you look at exclusives, the PS3's exclusives are a lot better graphicly then 360 exclusives. The reason, when you make a game exclusivley for one console, you take extra time to make things look as good as they can and run as well as they can on that platform.
First of all, you can build a computer that can run games on high settings for anwhere from 600 to 1000, not the thousands a lot of you seem to think. Plus, Consoles cost just as much and more to build, they just sel hem to you at a reduced price, otherwise everyon would own a computer for gaming if you paid full price. They can sell it for so cheap because they tack a little extra onto the games for it, thats why its $60 a pop now, and that little extra goes stright to Sony or Microsoft to help pay for the console.
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