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Busy, Busy, and a.....vacation?

hey everyone, I'm REALLY busy right now with township and county fair's, I help out at both, and I'm in a hurry to get 4-H projects done;) What is 4-H and what are projects? well, 4-H is a youth organization where anybody from 1st to 12th grade can join. Their's lots to 4-H but what I mainly do is projects8) projects can be crafts, vegetables from your garden, posters or notebooks explaining a certain thing(you must follow certain guidelines:P).

wanna see my photography entries, their's three categories: black and white, color, and experimental(edited on a computer;)).

Here's all of them, the black and white one, and color one got a champion at the township fair, ihey go to the county on monday;)(which i have to help check in at all day:x I have to sit under a tent outside all day having to mark off peoples names and how many projects they did:roll: ). But the experimental got a red because I forgot to tell what I did to change it from the original:P

4-H pictureExperimental before

4-H photo 2Experimental after

like it, I found some online picture editor to do it:P

4-H photo 3Here's the color

4-H photo 4and here's the black and white;)

They may look a little blurry, we ordered them from a store and got special high-quality prints for the projects;)

I'm not going to be on much for the rest of july:( why? well, I have to be at the township fair each day this week except friday, so I might be on that day;) Next week I'll help out on monday and tuesday at the county, then the next week I'm going on vacation for three days, leaving on wednesday, coming back on friday;) then that saturday I have to be at the county fair for clean-up:P so I'll be pretty busy, the "character battles" won't be up and running probably until august:( I'm sorry, Ididn't realise I was gonna be so busy:cry: well, I guess courtney will take over as leader from july 28 to august 1st;)

On august first I'm gonna try to compete in the wiigames2010 competition8) I told my friend about it but he's not sure if he can come, if he does then I probably will get to compete:D

I know I probably won't win, but the top three get free first-party games for a year:shock: That would be amazing, especially after this E38)

well, that's all for now, see everyone later:)