Some of them are like the same but I just wanted to change the font and some of the games description.
1 Super Mario Bros-The oldest and the best video game series. I'm not saying its the best games just the best series. These games started out Mario to be the succesful creation which he is now.
2 The Legend Of Zelda-Its indeed an old series and any game from this series will become a masterpiece. This what makes Link the most popular character in this gaming world.
3 Mario Party-Not that much people enjoy it like the people who has all the game in this series. But still a great game series to be collecting for the Nintendo fans. The same as a board game but tons of more fun.
4 Grand Theft Auto-I don't know that much about it. But I do know it is the most popular video game series for Sony Playstation.
5 Metal Gear Solid-I don't know much about this game series either. But it is the second most popular series for Sony Playstation.
6 Sonic the Hedgehog-These games are what made Sega Saturn, Sega Saturn. What made Sonic,Knuckels and Tails the heros that they are today.
7 Paper Mario-A perfect game for every Nintendo fan. Fun,exciting and you would never know what Nintendo is going to think about next. Who would think that being paper can be so much fun.
8 Super Smash Bros-A good game for Nintendo fans but I don't know if anyone else would enjoy it as much as the Nintendo fans would like it. Perfect game for Nintendo fans or anyone with a N64 or Gamecube.
9 Mario Kart-For me the best racing games ever made. Usually the racing games these days aren't fun for multi-player. But this is the only fun racing game that is fun to play multi-player.
10 Tony Hawk Pro Skater-A very fun game and it is on every system which makes it fun for everyone. This game shows you what skateboarding is all about. But I don't skateboard but just love these games.