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mariofreak156 Blog

N64 cart Erased

My copy of Zelda: Ocarina of Time wouldn't show any files in the menu. This is strange because i played it a week before and i worked just fine. I dont know how it erased itself because Super Mario 64 shows files and Gamesaves. If knows what could be wrong please tell me because I put about 1000 hours into that game, and i don't want to lose that. (or get it back)

Thank You:question:

n64 funeral

My cool green translucent n64 stopped working a couple days ago

know i have to go back to using one of my normal n64'ssad face :cry:

modern warfare 2

i just beat modern warfare 2 on recruit [i suck at this game] and i need to get a ethernet cable to play online might be getting it tommorow or the next day...

ps3 woohoo

i just got a ps3 today and it is awesome

also borderlands for pc is better than i thought [just needed to get used to it]


i got borderlands for the pc with some christmas money. it wasnt good

it froze looked bad and the controls were weird [i have a logitech pc controller]

also it was horribly hard

im gettin mw2 for the pc cant wait

Hard Choice

Im getting 500 free wii points as a refund in the wii shop channel.

i cant decide which game to get: kid icarus, gousts and goblineor castlevania

hulk ....

my stepmom got me a free copy of the incredible hulk for the wii from the lost and found at her friendlys, it was brand new