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My wii virtual console collection

I have a whole lot of virtual console games for my wii. They are:

Super Mario Brothers (NES, 1985)

The Legend Of Zelda (NES, 1987)

Super Mario Brothers 3 (NES, 1990)

Mega Man 2 (NES, 1989)

Kid Icarus (NES, 1987)

Pinball (NES, 1985)

Tecmo Bowl (NES, 1989)

SMB: The Lost Levels (NES, 1986)

Galaga (NES, 1988)

Donkey Kong (NES, 1986)

Pacman (NES, 1993)

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES, 1992)

Super Metroid (SNES, 1994)

F-Zero (SNES, 1991)

Super Mario RPG (SNES, 1996)

Donkey Kong Country (SNES, 1994)

Mario Kart 64 (N64, 1997)

Paper Mario (N64, 2001)

Sonic The Hedgehog (Sega Master System, 1991)