These are a bit random but these 2 questions have been swarming in my head.
Question 1: Is there a franchise that you like so much that you start becoming a fanboy to defend it?
Lets face it, we all have certian franchises or games that we love to play. Its a combination of the game being fun and how we sometimes live off our nostalgic childhood. Even when we except their opinion we just want to respond in ways such as telling them they dont understand, calling them stupid, or cramming information into their head about why you think the game is so good, and finally insulting one of their favorite games/franchieses.One example is when i got really excited for the revival of banjo kazooie which later became nuts and bolts.One of my frineds said " its just a bear and a bird" because he never played those games. I personally wanted to do one of those4 actions that i listed above, in this case cramming a bunch of nostalgic information about my days with the duo on the N64 (ALSO THEYRE MAKING THE NEXT BANJO GAME YAY). So do you have a game or franchise that you defend like that? feel free to share.
Question 2: Why are people already expecting new console announcements?
Now to be fair, there are plenty of exceptions to this question ( like that ON LIVE console coming soon) so when i adress this situation im mainly refering to the 3 main systems. Anyways, when im reading blogs or watching game discussions, im seeing alot of people questioning when the next xbox or ps4 and ( the biggest rumored of them all) Wii HD are coming. I really dont see this happening anytime soon. It may feel like we have been in this generation for along timebut its only been about 3 years. A little more than 3 for the 360 but the wii and ps3 have only been out for about 2.75 years.I see a pattern with our current 3 main companies and thats releasing a new console every 5 to 6 years so i wont be expecting a new console announcement till at least E3 of 2010. Maybe a ps3 slim but whats your take on it? feel free to share.
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