Wow its certianly been a while. Alots been happening in the outside world and gaming world. I hope everyone is having a happy december! (only 19 more days till Christmas). Lets pick up where this list left off with Part 2
According to many, this was the last proper Star Fox game, because the companies Nintendo developed with kept trying new approaches on the franchise. I love all the star fox games but this one definitly is my favorite. Just flying ( arwing), driving ( landmaster) and swimming ( theres onesubmarine level) through the planets, blasting away at enemies and bosses was just plain fun. Being able to go different paths to different planetseverytime you played kept the game fresh. Im sure everyone whos played this has a favorite planet. Mine are the astroid belt and the planet where you had to chase down the train. Truth is i didnt have this game for years, i always played it at my friends house until about 3 years ago when i finally bought itfor myself. Its another game where you can finish one pathway in like an hour two so ive lost count on how many times im played it. Id say at least over 50, i got all themedals and completed expert mode. Did you know you can actually unlock the ability to play as the characters on foot in multiplayer mode? who knew?!
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