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Known to be legendarily bad....I had to try it.

As most of you know, i am a collector of games, systems, figures etc. Aside from that theres an instinct many people have were something like a game could be so terrible that they have to try it in order to believe it was that bad. Take these 2 facts, put them in my perspective and what do you get? A VIRTUAL BOY. 1st let me say you are going to get sand possible eye damage from playing this thing, the redness is so strong that i couldnt get myself to play for over an hour each time i play it. Also, how the hell did this thing get to be labled as a portable system, its F*cking huge. Its got the volume of 3 to 4 ds's and this isnt including those legs it stands on. It takes 6 batteries and i doubt it last as long as a gameboy wouldwith 2 batteries ( i havent tested that yet). Now i wanna feel a little sympathy since ive read that this product was rushed and that the creator himself did not say it was ready and i still find myelf fascinated by some of its concepts,so i feel like i should list a few positives. The 3d effects actually work, it came with mario tennis and the 3d is very effective. Also some of the games look ok on it, mario tennis is fun and i find myself playing it once in a while, i might order warioland from ebay or something since its the best game on the VB. The controller is neat too, its got 2 buttons on the back and 2 pads which couldve really brought interesting ways to play games ( like telroboxer and 3-d tetris). Finally the fact thats its rare, even if its something bad when its rare it brings value.

I KNOW THAT NONE OF YOU WILL EVER BUY, so you dont need to mention that. I just thought that since im one who likes to experiement with unusual games and systems that id share my experience with you. Hope you enjoyed it.