Id like to say that i loved E3 this year, everyone did great, even some of that casual stuff looks appealing. I do have a few nitpicks though
While project natal looks cool, i think i would prefer sony's and Nintendo's approach because you have a controller, so youll feel like your actually holding stuff like a sword or wheel or bat.
Nintendo took it too safe, i appriciate the new marios, metroidand zelda wii ( wasnt shown, later revieled during conference) and even the stuff like wii sports resort and fit plus, but like many i was hoping they would make games for some of their other franchises or at least show us some pikmin 3 footage.
I didnt watch alot of sony's but i was impressed with their new motion controller, along with god of war 3. The new psp is a little pricey though.
Tomany 3rd parties i say excellent job with your games. From wolfenstien, to no more heroes 2, to the next gen castlevania, to a metal gear solid on the 360, etc. the 3rd party companies had alot of interesting games. Even bette is that more companies aredoing interesting things with the wii.
Thats my overall opinion, summerized 4 days into blog. I have some interesting news coming but ill save that for the next blog.
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