This has been a great week of gaming. Banjo tooie has hit xbox live arcade and its as great as i remembered it. Stop n swop was revealed as well, for the most part it was the same rewards as they did it on the n64 but now its executed properly where you actually had to have the 1st game to get the eggs and key. They threw in some nice features though, 3 new eggs ( gold, silver and bronze) a gamer pic and theme and the possibility of more stop n swop with nuts and bolts. Rare really pulled a string when the last egg revealed a Stop n Swop 2!
I beat resident evil 5 or at least the story mode and i thought it was epic. I also unlocked mercinaries which is nice and started playing on the highest difficutly. The fun part is that i got my weapons from the previous playthrough so its a shotgun extraviganza.
With may coming, new bugs and fish will arrive in animal crossing....Yes Im still playin even after 4 months. I recently had the fountain built in my town and have 200,000 already for the windmill.
Finally, only 17 days left of highschool as i head towards graduation, the lucky thing is that most of the final projects are more in school so i have alot of time to go out or sit back in the world of gaming.
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