I saw two roads before me, and I chose the one less traveled. And left.
by mariostar0001 on Comments
And left. To those who didn't get the slightly subtle hint, I'm leaving, after 774 days, over 40 active forums, 50,000 posts (as of the end of today), about a dozen themes, 225 blog posts (including this one), 7.5 days of suspension (don't ask, I've already answered), 32 reviews, 427 games rated (most of them I actually played...), and a lot more stats you can view in the "about me" section in anyone's blog. All right, enough with the emotionless stats, time for the sentimental stuff! Well, as sentimental as possible, given that I'm not so much prone to sentimentality. I'd like to thank every person I'd like to thank with a paragraph, but honestly, there are far too many people who have overall impacted my over two years on this website, the number easily stretches over a hundred. Thus, the paragraphs are limited to a select group of people who has most impacted me recently, as emotionless as the number "ten" seems to be it's the one I'm stuck using. Anyone who has problems with that, don't bother, I won't be here to read them! :D Aidan129 and Courtney187 You're first on the list (as usual), don't brag about it Aidan. Anyway, I've listed them together partially because they fit so well together, and partially so I could cheat and get more people on this list. But more the former. Honestly, I've yet to go anywhere and see Aidan with Courtney, and vice versa, which makes sense given that they're a couple in real life. Good friends, both of them, and Aidan's among the few people I can manage to get into a heated debate with and walk away not feeling I've alienated someone, mainly because I know he cares highly little about my opinion anyway. :P As for Courtney, she's quite easily the first person to call me "sir", and among one of two to ever do so, and it always feels so, formal. *shrugs* Besides that, a very easy person to get along with, as most everyone who's met her would know, and how she puts up with Aidan, no one has ever figured out... zmanrwks Crazy guy, you are. And let's not get into how you spell your username... But randomness *cough* may occasionally have a place, as much as I'd prefer not to admit it, and you have a very good way of finding that place, taking possession of it, and defending it from all comers with the most/least style possible. A proper salute to you. ;) OmegaAxl and UltraZero Seems quite the pair to put on here, I know. Of course, they're a lot more different than putting them together on a list might imply, OA's more prone to being patient (as odd as it sounds), unless it's on a project of his. UZ's more rash, and when he got banned after OA everyone was most shocked, at least in JCU (as outside of it, everyone was just surprised they didn't go sooner). But despite those and a variety of other differences, they do fit together, work together, plan together, scheme together, probably among the closest "bros." on the internet. And deep down, they're not too bad, as some people seem to agree upon more than others. Cloud_765 And now, for the guy that manages to get on everyone's "best friends" list eventually, the guy who's led and left more unions than is possible for me to ever know, who's kept AON alive for as long as I've been on Gamespot, and who is practically the opposite of me when it comes to accepting/tolerating people, meaning he is, as I'm not so much. He can stand up when he needs to, but he needs to work on his aim a bit when things get rough... Overall though, he knows what he's doing, and gets it done. sonicphc To phc, I'd just like to give a (complex) thanks for managing to get me to think without necessarily trying to, for showing me the other side of the viewpoint I've placed myself staunchly against, and managing to overall have a good grasp of what's going on despite not even being on so much as I am. Thank you. :) mario-nin-freak Honestly, I don't even know if you'll see this, with how little you're on anyway. Very much a strong conscience, with an opinion on many subjects and a most inquisitive mind on everything else. I've greatly enjoyed out conversations, sparse as they may have been, and I have to say it, Mario Kart DS is still better. :D Raimgamer Here he is, the guy who, indirectly, contributed to my above-mentioned suspension because of a bit of distaste over another forum. Seriously? :P A very open person, he lets everyone know his stance, and is always prepared to defend it, with or without solid evidence. :P We don't tend to disagree too often, which might lead to claims that he's on this list just because I agree with him. Which is 100% not true. He's on this list because I agree with him and because this leads to a great amount of communication between the two of us that's not centered around debate, but mutual support. Which is, oddly enough, more beneficial than I've previously assumed... Shy_Guy_Red Let's see if I can get through this entire thing without mentioning your recent obsession... SGR, as he's decently well-known as, is a man who loves innovation. New ideas and thoughts of any quality appear to him more than the most perfect piece of something that was done before. An opinion that is surprisingly refreshing in my usual circles, which tend to prefer everything of the 80s and earlier, and leads to a variety of quite friendly debates between the two of us. Of course, it occasionaly gets him into trouble, such as that obsession I mentioned, but it also makes it quite easy to recommend games to him, just tell him the title has a passably decent new gimmick in use. Also, he's a good conversationalist (I'm talking to him now, actually), and most enjoyable to tease with soon-revealed secrets, as he's about to learn. :D wetty1 Somehow, even though I now know he's almost a year older than me, I still keep thinking of this guy as "young wetty". Philippe's easier though oddly, it sounds like an older name maybe? *shrugs* A year ahead of me, we spend a decent amount of time talking about what he's doing and I'll be doing (or am doing, in a few cases) in school, but also about everything from entertainment to literature to general life. He talks a lot about subject A, I talk about subject B, both of us learn something along the way. And together, someday, we'll find that question to 42! All right, maybe not... :P stephenage Being last on the list isn't because he's highest, lowest, or most in the middle, just that I put him on the list last. The more you waste time on it trying to find meaning, the more my little game works. :D Stephen, the man who appreciates my senses of humor, philosophy, and good video games bought cheap, is someone I've spent a great deal of time talking about, mostly those three things, along with Gamespot (which now won't be talked about much longer). Loves the question "why do you think that way?", as do all proper philosophers, I likely disagree with him as much as agree with him, and we can settle both in an oddly civil manner, with relative mutual respect (I hope). Needs to work on his trolling skills a bit though... :P To all of you on the list, thank you. ;) And with that, this is done, except for four or five last bits. First off, it's not just Gamespot I'm leaving, it's most of the internet in general, which includes AFT. I've resigned in the unions I've right now most active in, feel free to demote me from any others. Classical Lord of the Rings is staying as it is, I don't want to give anyone else the burden of dealing with another dead union. I also changed my icon one last time, Will's here for good now. Also, my alts are leaving too, including barren167 (who might pop up once or twice more, for a story summary in the near future), and NostalgiaGamer1, whom only ktulu and bak have met thus far and never really served the purpose I intended him for, which I'm okay with now. As for myself, I'll be out after I meet one last goal. Seeing me again, well, not too likely, I just have life to go with. But I won't be forgetting this place, not by a long shot. And with that: So long. God bless, Micaiah (mariostar0001)
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