Happy belated birthday!
by mariostar0001 on Comments
If I always am late to wish you all happy birthday, why not myself? :P Never mind that I'm only late due to being off of GS Thursday (because I felt like it) and making up for it Friday. :P So, it was my birthday yesterday, I turned 17. And no, that's not impressive. 18 is impressive, I can drive without twice as many restrictions as the average driver (despite the average driver being the one who needs them, not I), and get a job with about double the chance of being accepted (still not too impressive though :P), and even get out of high school. 17, is just a number between 16 and 18. Really, this whole "teenage" thing is overrated anyway. Too old to play, too young to work, you're told not to do anything wrong (drugs, sex, alcohol), and then people expect you to do it anyway, then roll your eyes if you do (which I don't). Really, I say end teenage years altogether. Have childhood end at 14-16 (depending on the kid), and then have them become adults, having actually been taught to work as kids. In fact, there only need to be four stages of life. Infancy (the age of helplessness), childhood (the age of learning), adulthood (the age of experiencing), and seniorhood/eldership/some respectful name (the age of teaching). It worked in the past, and our current system really sucks, so why not bring this one back? Yes, this is a sort of rant. But I have a right to do so, it's my birthday blog! And enough of you out there rant about your "rights" as a teenager, so I have the right to rant a counter! Because this is a free country, so long as you don't speak trash, and this is almost certainly far better then the average conversation out there. And with that, I leave you. Ignore this rant in your comments and just wish me happy (belated) birthday, I don't care. I can't force you to read it anyway. But I can keep saying it! :D Signing out, Micaiah.