Take Halo2 back, it looks and plays like a 3 year old console game, there are far better games for PC.
But if you really do want to play it for some reason, then you need a new computer. The Nvidia Geforce 7000M GPU that you said your machine has is a Geforce 7 series card and doesn't support DirectX 10, Halo 2 is DirectX 10 only, end of story I'm afraid.
Take it back, get something better like COD 4, I'd give Crysis a miss if I was you though as it won't be very playable on that system, and it's boring even on the highest.
Have fun
Halo 2 can be a very enjoyable game on the pc, and it IS NOT DIRECTX 10 ONLY. ITS VISTA ONLY. Halo 2 has 0 directx10 features.
Try doing manual updates on Gmes for Windows Website http://www.gamesforwindows.com/en-US/Support/live/Pages/default.aspx
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