1. Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. I haven't played this game yet (need the hardware first, but considering how much I played Morrowind, this one is sure to be the perfect choice. 2. Secret of Mana (SNES): I love this game. I love everything about it. Emulators and downloadable ROMs saved this game for me from the dustbins of my memory, and I still play through it every couple years. 3. Grand Turismo 3: The only game I've ever dissociated while playing. About fifty laps into one of the endurance races, I realized that I had no memory of the last two hours. Being in a state of flow is priceless. 4. Civ V: I've only played one game of Civ 4, although I've played days and days of each of the previous three. I'm amazed that each one can be better than the last. 5. Kingdom of Loathing: I've been playing this MMO for a year and half, and it never gets boring thanks to constant updates and improved content. Who needs fancy graphics and 3D environments when you have Jick and Skully's sense of humour?
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