@Vodoo: We determine our Top 10 and GOTY by way of a multi-day debate that includes the whole team. Few games, if any, are ever played by all of us, but Metaphor was the winner after all the dust settled and all the arguments were considered. Many people on the team played and adored Metaphor.
@phili878: I wasn't working here then so I can't speak to this firsthand, but I can say I've been writing online for 13 years and I've never seen one example of what you describe here. There's an embargo, so it's usually the case that different outlets are publishing simultaneously and we don't know each other's scores until we all learn them at the same time.
@miguelgreene: I appreciate the concern but this sincerely isn't the case. It's a bit inside-baseball, but how this occurs is that if the doc is open in two places--as in from two different users--the one saved second may overwrite the first one, so unfortunately it was just a CMS mix-up. I helped edit this one myself and I saw it was meant as a 7 before it was published. We don't care what others are scoring things in relation to our scores--plus, last I saw, it has an aggregate 77 anyway.
@DragonfireXZ95: It is. We published this yesterday and the delay was announced today, so we've left it there for folks to know about, but included details of the delay. We also added an additional game to the list.
markdelaney's comments