Bethesda the people who make the most bug filled crashy games in history are doing a mmo and charging people a fortune in the process. You would have to be insane to sign up to this. Just give us a new fall out please and stop wasting time on mmo 's there c@&p anyway
mega drive--saturn--dreamcast--ps2--xbox360--ps4. i was a sega fan boy in my youth. but since dreamcast it was whatever i thought was best, so il say no
as much as i hate ms right now this cloud computing is the most interesting aspect/feature in the next gen for me. if the xbox is only doing half the work and some mega computer/server is doing the rest and streaming it back, the potential power is awsome. if some half arsed idiots (onlive) can get arkrum asylum to play and on my knackered 10year old cheep rubbish laptop then a purpose built machine with ms resources will be underpant death
Has the Ps control got proper analogue should trigger buttons like the xbox or has it still got the on off feel like they have now? Cuz that was/is a big design flaw
the fact there forcing the kinect with it aswell will add a chunk, and if sony has a chaeaper machine with cheaper services that does what people want why buy an xbox. theres never much between games on either machine anyway. it doesnt make sense for publishers to go exclusive with the really good stuff all it does is half there market.
microsoft are gonna have to give the xbox one away if they want any hope of keeping up with sony. all the pointless rubbish they have stuck it with what a waste.
markg1150's comments