So while following the latest on E3, I came across a blog entitled "Microsoft Just Doesn't Get It". I decided to throw caution into the wind, as I knew I was being lured into an intentional flame war and read what it's poster had to say. During my time in the blog, I fell victim to reading the thoughts posted shared and contrasted by other fellow readers.
What really enfuriated me was how someone else has decided to be completely biased and one-sided when making their views known. It also caused me to recall all those times that I have been labled a "Fanboy" or, more accurately a Microsoft Fanboy. Now I know it seems childish to try and fight fire with fire when a fight need not apply, but I wanted to find out just what was making this guy tick. It's the same stuff that everyone who points the finger and calls other people names that get under their skin.
Just because you like something, and like it alot, doesn't mean that something else that's either another product or branded by the competition of the product you like... is a bad product. Besides, haven't people still heard the old saying that "one person's trash is another person's treasure"? The same rule applies in gaming, as it does in cars (though I am no car nut at all). I grew up with Nintendo, and I had the NES, GameBoy, SNES, and N64 during my childhood. I also got a Sega Genesis during this crucial period of my youth. I don't remember there being a "this game is better on SNES than it is on SEGA" but what I do remember is that for competition, one company allowed different uses of cross-platform games. For instance, in Mortal Kombat, there was no blood in the SNES game due to Nintendo's view of the game as "voilent enough" whereas on Sega, it was bloody as all getout. It wasn't until the Playstation came out and it's biggest rival was that of N64. When I first heard the term "fanboy" was when someone said that my N64 was just a box of wires and chips. I got really angry when I was told this because I didn't just view the N64 as "just a box" (even though in the end, that's all it really was) but I viewed it as an experience that I could have with my friends and family... even at age 12 I felt that way, as I do now. All because the PS could do FMV sequences and have slightly higher poly counts.
But here we are in 2010. I am an adult and a father of two children, with one on the way. I am a husband, and co-provider to the family. Gaming is still ever present in my life, and I hate it when people bash something I like without giving real substance to their claims. It frustrates me to be labled. If am I to be a fanboy of anything, then let me be a fanboy of video games and electronics... because I am certainly no fan of sports or the great outdoors.
The PS3 is no better than the XBox 360 or the Wii. And the 360 is no better than the PS3 or the Wii. The Wii is no better than the 360 or PS3. And none of which are WORSE than the other. I look at 360, Wii, and PS3 the same way as I look at PS2, XBox, and GameCube... and that is that each are developed for a different kind of gamer. I would say that Nintendo is more geared for the family and "casual" gaming (casual in the sense of playing a game from time to time). The XBox is for the Core Gamer who has grown up with Nintendo and taken a liking to more complex and potentially more violent games. And the PS3 is for the jack-of-all trades who wants it all... BluRay player, Game System, Internet and Media device in which games are either excessively violent or are in far more genres supported mainly by hardcore gamers or fans of RPGS. It can also be said that platformers are more popular on Nintendo, Shooters and Action on Xbox, and RPG's and Sports on PS3.
So why do people lable others and/or flame? Simply because they are insecure. They want to believe without doubt that whatever they have or use is the best and that anything they don't personally own is inferior. I avoid this by trying all the game systems. In my mind, each of them have both strength and weaknesses, each greater or lesser than their runningmates in different aspects. Sure, I get called a MS Fanboy all the time... I mean hell, I use Windows (always have since 3.1) , I use Office, I have a Zune (and am getting a Zune HD), I have an XBox and XBox 360 plus multiple accessories for both, and my XBox library is in the hundreds. My other games however, I have like 5 PS3 games, 15 PS1 games, and 10 PS2 games. I have 2 GC games, 14 Wii games, and a slew of PC games. So sure, I can understand my being labled a fanboy. No one ever asks me why I prefer to play on my 360. My reasoning is rather simple... I enjoy achievements, the fact that all of my XBox games happen to be on the compatability list with 360, and most of my friends and family are on 360. I buy games that are multiplat on 360 rather than PS3 for the same reasons. No sense in my buying games for PS3 that are also out on Wii and 360 if I don't have anyone to play them with. I enjoy playing along with buds rather than strangers. Call me old fashioned. I would rather throw down with friends on a N64 on Perfect Dark or GoldenEye than go to a random person whom I don't know's house and attempt to do the same and get similar results.
In closing (for now until next rant) I will say that I hope that flamers, trolls, and fanboys alike read my blog and have this as a take away... if you love something, love it, and don't be hateful to others who don't share your love for it. Be open to other's opinions and form your own but don't defend it... your opinion is yours and yours alone. Own it. If anyone shares your opinion that's great, but don't single others out because they differ.
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