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marvelfett2 Blog

Typo and forgotten news

Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. Cloverfield doesn't come out the 27th, it comes out the 22nd. And also, I beat Dark Sector(finally, that game took me forever) and Viking:whatever whatever. So yeah, just wanted to fix that detail.


So I finally got Gran Turismo 5 Prologue. Its really a well made game. Outstanding realistic graphics and a large variety of cars to choose from. I have yet to buy Okami but definatley will in the next week. But GT5 isn't the most important topic of today's blog. The main topic is of course: April 27th. April 27th will be one great day for gamers. Grand Theft Auto 4 AND (yes I know...) Mario Kart Wii. Two of the greatest games that will come out this year come out on the same day and better yet that day is only 12 days away. And lets not forget some other smaller events going on the 27th: Iron Man game comes out (will most likely buy for 360) based on the Marvel Comic series and upcoming movie(May 2 or third, I believe) and Cloverfield on DVD and Blu-Ray! I am willing to spend $200 that day. GTA4 is going to be amazing and I know Mario Kart will be one awesome game too. Can't wait....

Nintendo World Store

I went to the Nintendo World store in New York today. It wasn't the first time but it is always cool to go there. My brother and I played a little Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Mario Kart DS with other customers I bought the dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors strategy guide. It was a really fun day. Also, we went to the Apple store and my dad bought an ipod touch 32gb and iLife 08. Now we are watching terminator 2 on tv and my Uncle Akiko is coming tomorrow so that'll be fun. He lives in New Jersey. My brothers and I love when he comes over because he always takes us to the Wired store on wooster. I want that nanda clock with the wheels, so hopefully my uncle will buy it for me.

P.S. Oh yeah. Talking about the Wired Store, if you look on there website they have a darth vader learning laptop, my brother has it. Its pretty cool.

Just Beat No More Heroes

I just beat no more heroes on monday. Really easy, basic game. Not much excitement. I rate it a 6/10. It took me 28 hours(not non stop). The final person to kill, a boss if you will, was really easy to beat. You just breeze through. So now I am on to beat dragon quest: swords. wish me luck!