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5:30 am and no one online...

One of the worst things about being completely commited to your guy, is that when he leaves the bed you cannot sleep no matter what! Well last night our friend James was in town so we all went to the Humbolt to play some pool...then 11:30 rolled around, * i know not late for some* and me and my guy decided it was time to go home and hit the hay. Well we made it home and of course I've gotta check up on blogs and email, so I browsed for a lil while. Then time came to go to bed, it was sooooooooo hard sleeping because for dinner I had a resturaunt version of a egg mcMuffin *only better* and about four cups of coffee. So I got to makes me talk and think, so my fiance and I are really tired, he just left for work, it's my day off and WTF??!! I"m awake at 5:30am exhausted and nothing to do...*le sigh* At least I have my cappucinno