Okay so I gave into Mo17
by masamune_aya on Comments
Mo: You should try Rogue Galaxy it's a great game... Aya: Yeah, but right now I'm playing FFXII, and I don't know if I'll have the money...maybe next week. Mo: Alright, but you wont be sorry!! ~Two days later~ *My fiance picks me up from work and pulls into Wal*Mart* Me: Why are we stopping here, it's your brothers birthday right? Him: Yeah, but you wanted Rogue Galaxy right? Me: Well yeah but... Him: Alright then! Me: Okay if you say so... *we walk in and buy Rogue Galaxy* Me: I'm happy Him: Good! *We go to his families house and celebrate his brother's birthday, without word of RG and then we drive home.* Me: I'm gonna post this on GS. Him: I'm gonna play S.T.A.L.K.E.R *I log on and type what you're currently reading* Aya: Oh btw I got Rogue Galaxy XD Thanks Mo!!