OMG she lives??!!
by masamune_aya on Comments's true...I didnt flatline, I didnt crash and die, I didnt grow up and leave GS forever...I lost my computer, lost my house, my boyfriend and my job...but then...I found a guy, got a house, got a job, got engaged, bought a computer and am back!! (all in that order!! But over time lol) I finally made it back to Gamespot and I'm happy to be here, but fear not dear friends, during my abscense I did not stray away from gaming, but played more. I bought many a games, and even started playing PC games...(ZOMG WHAT A NERD!!) Is it odd to be constantly picked on by your family because you're a gamer?? I have a job so it's not like I'm lazy, I clean and cook...I dont drive though...*I call pedestrian points, not too safe XP* But it is good to be back...and wanted to let you all know that Aya's returned!!!