Great episode of top 5 skyrim mods, except for the mispronouncing of anna's name, kingdom hearts is a really great rpg one of the best it was my favorite game as a kid, seeing all those keyblades and shields again was a very nostalgic feeling.
@DeusGladiorum @burrito_tester yes he does he said it was probably the lowest score a reviewer ever gave a game, he didn't say that it was the lowest score that a game can get
he was wrong about one thing you only have to connect online when you first plug in the console, and if you think im wrong type in GameSpot Breaking News - Xbox 180: Just kidding, you can totally share games!This is a video that gamespot put in. So now I am buying both consoles but I am still buying the PS4 first because im going to wait several months or even a year and see if it is cheaper and if they changed anything else.
@sahar90900 They didn't destroy the mass effect series the did have a bad ending in Mass Effect 3 though that is until they fixed it and made it actually make sense, I know no one else thinks so but I do, I am probably the biggest fan of the Mass Effect series, Oh and multiplayer in the third game was awesome and a HUGE SUCCESS
@ssj2los umm yeah a lot of people do including me because that is where a lot of people put their tv... including me so the answer to your question is yes.
@tempertress @masseffectfan01 So you are beautiful you have a hot accent and you are a gamer, you are the kind of person Ill probably marry some day, well your future husband is going to be a very lucky man; well anyway what games do you like which ones are your favorite?
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