Super bowl update!!! Saints are winning. And im leaving.
master_hookshot's forum posts
You're not, but you're feeding them. Me too. The only way to win is to stop.
Hey everybody! Heres a great topic about trolling, which is exactly whats happining here . So much fun!
Crap. Wont let me quote, so this is directed to Kirby guy: Had to acutially read the article, eh? But that just proved my point.
No it isn't.
Lulz. yes it is, even though its huge.
Did you read the source information I posted? IT was created in 600 A.D., Can you post a source or something proving it is a branch of Jadaism?
Did you read the source you posted? It said nothing about that. Ishmael, founder of Islam, was a son of Abraham.
Got on to Gamespot during halftime and I had to come to this thread. It made me realize while I'm having fun watching football, some poor girl gets buried by her own father and grandfather for having male friends. This act is deplorable though not surprised. Honor killings are common in the middle east and there were even cases in the western world.
Also Honor killings aren't exclusive to Muslims. Since this was in southeastern Turkey, the prepatrators were probably Kurds and probably Yazidi (which is very different from Islam). The article makes no mention of weather this was the work of Muslims or Yazidi so I don't understand why everyone is critizing Islam. :?
OMFG!! Something relevant to the original topic! You get an internet, good sir/ma'am.
YOu know, Islam is a branch of Judaism.
No it isn't.
Lulz. yes it is, even though its huge.
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