I'm going to buy Castlvania for the DS. What do you think of the game if you have played it? I have always been a fan of the Castlevania series and am hoping this on is just as good as the rest. I am also looking into Trauma Center. The game looks inivative but I don't have the money just yet. The Ds has been looking better lately. With Wi-Fi coming out soon there will be games that will go online such as Mario Kart and Metriod. I may not have a router but NIntendo will give a USB adapter to allow wi-fi capabilaties. Anyway back to the subject. Castlvania will yet again have the soul system which I liked from the previous Castlevania. I hope the stylus does not get into the way of the gameplay, though the idea of sealing up a monster before you kill it I think is kinda nice. Overall I guess I have to play the game to really tell how the game will be. I will probably end up writing a review for the game once I get through it with most of the souls and items in my invetory. I will post another entry into my blog once I get the game. Until next time,