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I've been playin runescape lately casue i have nuthin else to do. But i still think KH2 will kick runescapes ass even though it is online. anyway, does anyone else play runescape so we can chat about gamespot or sumthing. BTW my RS name is Masterbok1

Organisation Names

My organisation name is Xandorn (Brandon with an X and without a B in it casue like Xandborn? WTF?). Anyway what is your Org name? Here's another example: Sora-Roxas, Ansem-Xemnas.

Kingdom Hearts 2 Unions

I'm trying to become an officer in as many KH related unions as I can and if I become an officer in a union i will post like mad in that union and tell all my friends to join that union! So anyone who is reading this and is the leader of a KH union, plz let me become an officer and I will get ur union lvl up by postin lots!-Masterbok 

Gamespot falling apart?

This Is mostly a rant about gamespots latest problems:evil:
Well first of all I lost my all important SIG!!! I was trying to add a union tag and I clicked apply changes but then, POOF! My sig was gone...... And I can't make another sig casue it won't let me!!!!! Secondly I can't PM anymore or delete my messages so everyday i look at my mail with one new message but i've already read it like 5 times. So then I try to delete it but it doesnt delete!! I've also been trying to PM the leaders of KH related union, if i could become an officer in their union and for one of them, I posted a incredbly long reason to why i would like to be an officer but soon after i found out that IT DID'NT POST!!!!! Dam I am pissed right now. Gamespot, plz fix this problem soon. And does anyone else have these problems so we can disscus it here.

Ideas about KH3

I will seperate these in segments so its easier to read. I also found this awesome video of KH2 so watch it. Here's the link:
 3 KNIGHTS --- For the 3 knights, they are NEW characters but its unclear whether they're the main players/characters since Nomura clearly stated that they are new and even has an idea of what they look like and what they're names are (they are NOT Sora, Riku, or Kairi, but I'm NOT saying they're NOT in the game or the main characters but they are NOT the 3 knights
*NEWS --- A recent Japanese rumor (in a thread) revealed the names of the 3 knights (and that they are Soldiers of Light):

Musha - the female knight

Joufu- the male knight

Masurao - the other knight
SHADOWY FIGURE --- For the shady figure at the end, some say its Xehanort, some say its Zexion, some say its Sora or Roxas [bizarre, but possible], but some believe it's a new enemy [which some say is a Chaser mentioned in the vid (since it looks like its going after or "chasing" the 3 remaining knights from the keyblade war)]...
SETTING --- It has also been speculated that it takes place in the past and at the same time it can be considered to take place in the future (Nomura stated this), and it could possibly be a recollection of Xehanort's past memories [since he doesn't seem to remember his past and in the end of the vid it mentions the Memory of Xehanort]...
SORA --- Its uncertain whether Sora and the gang will be involved but seeing as to how they received a letter from King Mickey, it can prove that they may have another quest or "adventure"...
STORY --- The story is believed to focus on the keyblade, its origins, its purpose and why, when or how it had been created [which probably involves Xehanort if its his memories (who can even be a keyblade wielder [if his memories include the answers to the Keyblade mysterty] since in the vid it says how one used the keyblade to bring chaos and ruin)]...
XEHANORT --- I can further prove that Xehanort can maybe even be a Master of the Keyblade....okay, we know that we fought Xehanort's Heartless in KH1, and that his heartless took on a human form (keep this in mind), Nomura said that "Xehanort was about the only one who has a human-shaped Heartless." Now, remember when Sora was turned into a Heartless, yet it wasn't in human form, even if he had a strong if Xehanort was able to do this (maybe the only one) and Sora wasn't, it could mean that Xehanort had a stronger heart (or maybe the strongest heart since he was about the only one to achieve this) which would mean that he was the most suitable Keyblade wielder (Master of the Keyblade)...
KEYBLADES --- It would also seem that the sort of "prize" for winning the keyblade war would be the Kingdom Key, Mickey's Key, and Riku's Keyblade (they may be the most powerful and significant keyblades), seeing as those 3 Keyblades were in the middle of the crossroads, and the knights could have chosen any other surrounding Keyblade...
*NEWS --- There's a rumor going around Japan (in a thread) which explains that the battleground is located in the Sacred Place of Light where all the Keyblades are born or are not being used and is protected from surrounding darkness...and the reason why the knights chose those 3 Keyblades is b/c they're the only one's to have a keychain (if a keyblade has a keychain, its bound to go to a heart of light if the Keyblade wielder were to die, but if that keyblade would not have a keychain it just disappears, and/or may go to a heart of darkness)
ZEXION --- As for Zexion, I would think that he or his original self "Ienzo" will probably be in the next KH game since Nomura said, " I have an idea on what his weapon is and I might have a chance of showing it in the near future so I'll keep it as a secret for now." We all know that Zexion never used his weapon in a fight and his gravestone was destroyed purposely to keep it a secret (for a reason)...

Anyways i can go on and on but there are too many theories to write down and too early to speculate since we are not certain whether there will be another KH sequel (or prequel)...

I dunno whether these RUMORS are valid, but that's for you to decide, well ENJOY! ^_^

It's about time im getting KH2.

I'm finally geting KH2 and im getting it on wednesday or thursday but i have to but swap magic casue im gonna import it but that will probaly arrive on the same day! YAY!! BTW, Does anyone know who to fix my problem? Well when i press enter in a blog or post of anywhere on GS, and when im done the end result is like 2 paragraphs. But when i click submit it just goes bak together like a magnet. thats y i have to put these things on if i wanna do a space.
look at this! Only missing 3 keyblades

OMG! I was talking to the creator of KH2!!

That got ur attention did'nt it. Anyways i didn't talk to Nomura but i need people to post in the entry beneath this one so i can get a clue on what to start a union on. bu don't post in this one. Cause if u do *punches smilies gut* :x  Thats what will happen but, instead of the smiley with the invisible body getting punched, It'll be you....                                                        

Union & 200th post (Mostly about KH2 lol)

I've have just done my 200th post YAY! All thanks to me really really really wanting KH2 and posting alot about it. First they make this amazing game then they get me to 200 posts. THANK YOU KH2!:P  Anyway im thinking of startin another union about KH (and when the hell it will arrive is australia:twisted::P) but if anyone has any other ideas for a union plz let me know by PM'ing me or posting here. Thanks in advance. Oh, and im also getting KH2 soon OMG FINALLY!But I also have to buy swap magic to play it casue im gonna import it. Look at my loser score. Im 24% of a geek and the rest witch is 76% im cool8)  Heres the link to the test: 
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