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masterhollis Blog

Crisis Core : Final Fantasy 7 thoughts

Alright ppl as you prohibly know (yes I know that it's probily... maybe) Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core is coming out on the 25th. What do you guys think of the imformation that we've seen so far?

I'm interested to see the battle's. It looks like the FF12 system with a few changes. Also do you have to kill a summon before you can use it? Will Zack be fighting by himself or with others, and if you do fight with other ppl will they be cp's or can you control them? I've only seen him fighting by himself but you never know.

I've also heard that there is no over view map(world map, what ever), how is that supossed to work. I heard you just go to mission's and inbetween mission's you go to your house and the underbelly of migar. How are you supposed to train, mid-mission?

From what I understand you might keep the same sword for the whole game. That would suck but what can you say.

Well don't hold me on any of this but this is just what I heard. Please correct me in a decent mannor inless I know you, Thanks