@Gelugon_baat Clearly you have issues with people who have opinions, information, and facts, but lack their own website to put it on. It's exhausting trying to argue with someone who behaves like they're paid to be Tom Mc Shea's internet bodyguard. Tom Mc Shea's review is a sham... a cheap publicity stunt to make it stick out like a sore thumb on metacritic in a sad attempt to call attention to itself and feel relevant and revolutionary. That is all.
@Gelugon_baat If he's trying to hit the troll at that stage in the fight, he is truly an idiot - and if you've played the game you would know what I'm saying is correct.
@Gelugon_baat I brought up invulnerable enemies because in the video (2:22 - 2:30) he cries about wanting to hit the troll instead of the minions in the foreground, but you can't hit the troll because it's invulnerable. He even says "It might be obvious that you want to hit the troll", but it's not obvious because there isn't a reason to, it's futile.
As for Ice guys weak against fire - In the video (1:59 - 2:06) Tom clearly doesn't get the obviously placed firepit while fighting the ice bogey. He instead avoids it at all costs - even though there is a tutorial at the beginning of the level where Erline tells Finn that his spells will turn into firebolts and be much more powerful if he casts through them. By ignoring the tactics his attacks are almost worthless and he spends a ton of time and energy purposely doing things the hardest way possible.
Take it from someone who's played through it and doesn't really care about MC games... the video as a whole is full of this type of blatant ignorance - as if he went out of his way to make it look frustrating. He never uses his shield, he just sits there and takes hits in the face and then says it's the game's fault that he sucks. The game is much better than that and I'm inclined to think that he knows it. The low score is just a cry for attention to make GameSpot seem relevant where other critics have for the most part agreed the game is a solid 7.
Also, Halo is a fine comparison because Sorcery is in fact a lot like a shooter. The battles feel a lot like shooting galleries, and you have to know how to use the weapons in your arsenal to be effective. It's actually better than most shooters because you actually have to think about what you're doing. When you get a spartan laser for the first time you don't really have a clue what it does or how to be effective with it until you fire it. It's not a normal weapon and it doesn't magically recharge it's ammo when you fire it like your magic does in Sorcery, so I'd say that Sorcery is even more forgiving.
@Gelugon_baat First of all, yes. When you shoot at an enemy that is invulnerable, the health bar is gray, your shots bounce off, and either one of the characters will say something like "My shots are bouncing off!".
And second, no. Does it really need to? When you get a new weapon in Halo, does it give you a tutorial on how to shoot it and does it tell you what it does? No. You shoot it and find out. Chances are you have a rough idea of what it does just by the name of the gun. When you get a big message that says "You've acquired the Wind spell", and it's not obvious to you what it does and you don't bother to try it out, then maybe you shouldn't be playing games.
@elpooz I'm not just looking at the footage, I read the review. He whines about the combat being too hard and needing to waggle the wand. Obviously he didn't bothr to learn from anything he was doing wrong and just assumed the game was broken. Just because you suck at a game doesn't mean it deserves a poor review, especially when it's getting higher scores everywhere else - and I hate to burst your hate bubble but according to metacritic this is the ONLY negative review.
masterlake's comments