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masterlinkx1 Blog

One day left........ *ugh*

Well I have to wait to exchange gifts with my famly on the 26th because my mom and sister are working! (yes on Christmas:?) And it's driving me up a wall!!!! I need an X-Box360!! (I hopoe I get one)

Socom: Combined Assault

I got Socom: Combined Assault yesterday at F.Y.E. for a bargan of $20. It's actualy pretty fun. But it's harder than I thought.:x Or mabye I just suck!:P

I'm sorry guys but......

I'm leaving Gamespot:cry: ! But I geuss you already knew that because I have'nt been around alot. I just don't have time for GS.I'll miss all of you.Hope you understand.


Sorry! ^_^

Sorry Iv'e been gone so long guys. I completely forgot about Gamespot actualy. *sighs* But i'm back in action here! :D

New iPod!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I got a new ipod!!!!!!!! Gorillaz is a greatband!!! When I got the ipod I just had to try itunes! I'm also getting the Codemonkeys podcasts! :D (if you don't know, Codemonkeys is a great new show on G4TV)

Awwwwww....... I Need a New Username!!

From the title you can tell what i'm writing about today. I'm the kind of person who gets hooked on somthing new and exiting, "Fan Phases" if you will. But, sadly lose touch of them. Like during the 2nd season of Pokemon, or Digimon, or Legend of Zelda,or....... you get the point. My username "Masterlinkx1" sucks. I was much into LoZ at the time, But, now I think I made a bad choice. :( I need some sympathy, please. No, wait, I don't need sympathy!! :) I feel better already....... OK maybe a little sympathy.

Re-Playing Dungeon! :D

Well, I was needing somthing new, but old at the same time and I came to Dungeon. I Have a team of Chikarita, Ledyba, and my starter Cyntiquil. I have no Idea why GS gave this game such a bad Review.:( I Believe this is one good, not great, but good game. It at least Deserves an 8.0.

Curse You FEEBAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've been seaching for Feebas for over 6 hours now. It's driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!:x I 've been trying to find it in Emerald, since I have a better chance of finding it in Emerald then Diamond or Pearl. I need to find that fish!!!!!!!!!! *:cry:starts crying:cry:*