masterlu / Member

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This makes a change; I'm neither tired nor drunk. With any luck this journal entry will not be about me whining about this or that. Actually, I was thinking I might mention one of my favorite games. Of all time, no less.

The first, the big one, numero uno, the grand poobah and simply the best RTS ever:


I can already see some of my imaginary readers nodding their heads approvingly, while some go "what?! that sh*t is OLD man!" Others still do a fairly good impression of G.W. Bush ("Huh??"). Make no mistake; there has never been a game that is better balanced or easier to access. What I'm interested is in the multiplayer aspect. Sure, the singleplayer campaign was nice and all, but is what it's all about. I simply can not begin to tell you how much I love beating the living daylights out of people who take one look at my stats and go "hah! noob!". Stathunting is for newbies anyway.

I know I said I wouldn't complain, but there are, in fact, some things that are less than perfect about SC. First of all, everyone is playing either The Hunters (generic star-shaped 8-player map), Big Game Hunters (ditto but with loads of minerals&gas) or then some variation of those two. What it all boils down to is 100.000 people who know and play ONE map. Myself included. In a way this is a testament to how well SC is balanced, if all you need is a single map to provide never-ending amusement it can't be COMPLETELY wrong. Second, the graphics are getting slightly dated... the game was released in 1998 if my memory serves me correct, and I've played it ever since. To me, the graphics don't even make any difference anymore, I can see what unit is where and that's enough.

I can't wait for StarCraft 2.