My first journal entry, makes me feel like having a parade. Or some fireworks. Or a beer at the very least.
I really don't know why I suddenly decided to start keeping a journal, the gamespotting journal edition might have something to do with it - I've always had a craving for cheap attention and this seems like the perfect way. The fact that I have so far posted the staggering amount of three (3) comments rules out any chance of anyone actually reading this, so I suppose I'm fairly safe. I've never been much for keeping journals or diaries, every time I'm supposed to document what I've done I somehow manage to summarize it into something like "Woke up. Went to work. Worked. Came home. Goodnight." which is a lot of information for me, but possibly not for someone who doesn't know what I did at work.
Wow....this journal-keeping stuff is hard work.
Oh yeah...someone once taught me that what you write should have some connection to the topic....
It's an evil circle of sorts, the less you do, the less you do. Let me elaborate: sitting in front of the computer for one week, you know the week after you realize you could have worked for two more weeks and before you notice that your lectures don't start until week 38 or something. Anyway, after spending one week playing games and chatting with your equally nolife friends on irc you notice that once you have your first lecture (in my case, the only lecture that week) you don't really feel like waking up and going to it! You become lazy as hell...I do anyway, and suddenly you find yourself dreading the fact that you actually have to get your lazy ass out of bed and go to school three times a week. For two hours at a time. It works the other way too, though. After school was out I had some trouble finding a place to work for the summer, so the first three weeks I was basically cracking up because I was bored - but note that it's not the same kind of bored. I was bored because I actually did not have anything to do - not because I had stuff to do but was too lazy to do them. End result: I managed to almost destroy my car trying to fix the dang rust on it.
I suppose I should leave something to talk about for the next time I get inspired to write something, don't hold your breath, it makes you blue in the face and dizzy in the head. My rusty subaru, my crappy computer and my collection of relatively legitimately acquired games could be suitable topics.
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