it was asome!!! now from saying how i love no lag wifi, heres my story
i was just looking for a brawl, said and yet had no hope that wifi will be fix an yet i found someone on wifi, but stell sad for i know that wifi will not work for long, but yet i know worng!
when the brawl begen, it suked!!! the lag made the game move every 5 secs......... then when the game frozed, i know that i loss the wifi conneton but yet i was worng agen........ the wifi somehow whent faster, the lag was gone (even the buten lag was gone!) i was confuzed yet happy, very very happy!!!
so i foght brawls all day on the web, but right at 10:00, the wifi when out....... i loged on and the lag was back....
so i gusse that nintendo had it under contor til 10:00 sad......