with the arrival of the new consoles i have mixed feelings about how gaming is going to change over the new generation. i am hoping there will be great innovations, new ideas, new IPs, and new stories to tell. its an exciting time to be a gamer now more than ever. however i feel that games as an art form still have a long way too go. this year has been full of controversial topics in the news like video game addiction and video game violence. the mainstream public don't see what we see when they look at video games. when i look at games like call of duty, i see a competitive game that can be really fun with friends and is very enjoyable. when the public look at call of duty all they see and hear is the sale numbers and the violence. i think this needs to change. with the new generation of games on the horizon we need to show what games really are and why they are loved by so many millions of people. if games are to be widely accepted as a medium and an art form then we need them to look past the violence they see on the surface of the games and get them to take a look on whats underneath the hood at their core and show how great they can be. its a big challenge and i really hope we can overcome this issue.
this is masterwsgamer looking at the hopefully a brighter and better future for games and gamers alike.