I just love that song by Kanye and it has one of my favorite bands on it, DAFT PUNK! Now back on topic. Today I did some PT with the other recruits which consisted of a 3 mile run, stretches, push-ups, side-stradle hops(jumping jacks),and leg lifts. With it only a little over a week of freedom, I need all the preparation I can get. My ROTC buddies from school are very supportive of my decision, probably because that half of them are joining too. But when I tell other people like my co-workers or relatives. They act like i just signed my death warrant. Which I'm not I knew what I'm getting into and I'm getting ready for that. They say stuff like "you know you're going to Iraq as soon as you get out boot camp". Not true, the soonest I'll probably get deployed is a year and a half away because all my MOS(military occupation specialty) training. Even if I get deployed I'll be in the rear with the gear. I'm just tierd people saying that they're worried about me going into the Marine Corp, cause I know I'll do great in it. What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger right?
P.S. I updated my profile. Tell me what you think of it.
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