[QUOTE="dvader654"]Its a movie, from a blog: UPDATE 2: Cat's out of the bag. This is for the movie, and it comes from the mind of genius fight choreographer Larnell Stovall. He's the guy who did the fights for the excellent Undisputed 3: Redemption, on DVD and Blu-Ray right now. I hope that this movie gets made with Larnell plotting the punches, because this guy isn't just a geek like us, he's also got an incredible skill and ambition to create the next generation of fight choreography.martialbulletOkay, so use of the MK name with liberties for some sweet fight sequences? ._______. Wait, then what's with the 3D models of musclehead Sub-Zero? He's gonna be in CG? Oh gawd, or worse. Urban Mortal Kombat: The Movie: The Game.
I sure hope not! I don't want another Street Fighter Movie: The Game.
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