Mostly because I am an O.G. -that's "Old Guy".
You can't imagine how many generations of games,genres and systems I've experienced since the Dark Ages when computers and video games didn't even exist at all. I had tin cans to sink with rocks in a lake for amusement....(seriously!)(yeah, maybe I am THAT old, you durn whippersnapper kids!).
.. Frankly it's all become tedious and disappointing now, a keep up with Meekrowsoft race which only millionaires can play anymore. Just once it would be nice to see a technology which actually evolved the mind and spirit of mankind, rather than picking our pockets and dumbing us down. This isn't us advancing, it's us becoming co-dependant. >MEH!< Count me out!
Segway to Old-School gaming;
Because of this conspicuous technological marketing, every new game runs the risk of becoming generically sanitized; eg; "Don't make a game like that- it doesn't fit the mold to make a profit! Too risky!" Sheesh. Where is there an original and unique creation to be found in such a gaming industry? Nowhere today!-Now consider something like Donkey Kong- what 'targeted market' actually existed to buy such a thing? None of those old games had to suffer from a corporate executive idiot deciding if it would sell first. Hell, most of them were made by ancient technogeeks in a garage, out to get some beer money!! (Hey dudes-I was there, man) Yet- just how much more fun, and outright variety do you find in them? TONS. And THAT'S what it was supposed to be all about for all us First Generation Gamers (beer money was nice too). Personally this OG (Old Gamer) is very disappointed with what passes for a current game. Bring back Q-Bert and BagMan! Resurrect Castlevainia and Castle Wolfenstein! What have you done to Metroid? Oh plz give us a game Unique and New once more! ...rant rant rant...>pant<..>pant< ..oh my heart.... nap-time... brb....
But I digressed. I do notice a big surge in 'Abandonware' and Retro games today- so maybe there's something to what this OG (onerous goofball) is saying??