This is funny because gamespot is a 360 fan boy. You can argue with me if u want but they dont set their picture up on the ps3 like they do on the 360. The only time your picture is blurry if your hdmi is set to limited and super white filter is not set. Me and my friend have compared all these games side by side on 2 40 inch samsung tv in 1080p and with the 120 hz filter on. This is just BS because the ps3 will look diffrent on every tv and all you need to do is just play around with the settings. You can use a special thing i cant remember what it is called but i got it from my brother all you do is put a thing on your tv screen, put in the disk into your ps3 or 360 then you just adjust the screen and it tells you how to get the best picture by using this its like 250 bucks but your picture is fenomenal. Circuit city can do this for u for $120. SO these reviews are pointless because the tvs are not tuned to perfection. the Ps3 looks so much better when you have the right set up. We both played around with the setting for an hour or 2 until we loved what we saw. And if you guys are going to say get a life this was when he tried to argue with me with this SH**T and we were both off of work.
mateuszbiedron's comments