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3rd world famer

To day I was bored and was looking for a game to play. I came across this game: 3rd world famer. Basically, you are a family of farmers livng a 3rd world country. The game is kinda cool and takes lots of stratagey to do well in. So far, after 2 tries, I have lived for 33 years. Here is the link if you want to play it: . It is really fun and also a little sad that there are people that live like this while we live in luxery. Lol, i sound smart. Hope you enjoy the game.

p.s. dont accept the barrels of "harmless chemicals". There are really bad and cause a family member to die.

p.p.s. I dont know why my blog is in bold, it just came out that way and I can't change it. So deal with it. lol, just kiding.