@ DDR Midain, NO GAMES TO BACK IT UP? have faith, You just know (or at least i do) that Nintendo will deliver the goods. They might not release many games but when they do, you can bet your ass it'll be pure gaming pleasure. Howabout a New - Starfox, F-Zero, Pilot wings, Zelda, Pikmin, a proper Wave Race, Blast Corps was damn fun aswell and thats just a few! I'm guessing that most people involved in the gaming industry are looking forward to what Nintendo has to offer at E3 - If you dont have an interest, all i can say is your not a serious gamer, all you care about is 'hoo h4s l33t gr4fix' and if that's the case then you have truely missed out on some of the greatest games in history.
Wow, so many negative comments about an add-on that will ultimately change gaming for the better. Each time Ninty brings out a new controller other companies can't copy it fast enough: D-pad, shoulder buttons, analogue stick, rumble pack/duel shock, wii-mote/six axis anyone. Lets face it, Nintendo is the true innovator (lets forget about the Virtual Boy) and without them gaming would just not be the same. I for one look forward to this and the possibilities it offers, maybe the wii should of done this out of the box. Better late than never i say. Cant wait to play Red Steel 2, a new Zelda, a proper lightsaber Star Wars games and what would you think of Oblivion ported to the Wii but with 1:1 controls???
matma7's comments