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1. Starcraft

This game is without a doubt the best game ever made for any system bar none.  I have spent more time playing this game than I have playing any other 5 games combined and that is including the 300+ hours I have spent on Counter-Strike/CS:S.  The main features that I like about this game are the completely different races which have totally different units and don't share any. *coughageofempirescough*  Even with all of the races being completely different, they are all perfectly balanced without any of them being the strongest if they are in the hands of a skilled player.  The best feature this game has though is the online multiplayer.  On B-net you can play games with anywhere from 2-8 people from anywhere in the world and you can choose to play either normal games or custom games.  These custom games, as in Warcraft 3, are what give the game an incredible amount of replayability.  With anything from a standard rts game to an rpg there is an uncountable number of custom games you can play.  The friends and chat channels system also works extremely well making it very easy to get into the same game as your friends and beat them up at a game.  It also comes with an easy to use map editor which you can use to create the perfect map to play with your friends.  All in all this, game has everything you could ever want and more and is still fun even though it has been out since 1998.

Sorry for the long delay in writing this, I went on vacation during the holidays and forgot about it once I came back.

Sorry for the messed up size of the font for half of this as well, it says in the editor that it is all the same size.

[Edit] On a side note although I did make a comment about AoE games I actually do enjoy them very much they just get boring after a while since each of the civilizations play essentially the same way.