thanks guys
matthew1245's forum posts
So, there are 14 prestiges confirmed for Black Ops.
Mw2 : 10 prestiges x 70 Levels = 700
BO : 14 Prestiges x 50 Levels = 700
Knowing that gold camo and probably alot of other cool stuff will be unlocked in the later prestiges (ie. Custom Slots, camos, more emblem editor layer ...) Are you guys going to prestige and keep on prestiging, or are you going to max out your first go at level 50? Keep in mind that I think you lose all your COD currency, and will probably be called a hacker regardless if you did or didn't legitimately get to 14th prestige.
Ok thanks alot, but im buying a mac to have and use the mac side, the point is if i ever get bored or something, id like to have the vista side for just some online games. I also wanted to say I have an xbox 360 already, and that I do play mw2, cod4, have beaten far cry2... you name it.
i hope u understand its not for serious gaming, just for some nighttime fun with some friends or ppl online.
So what games do people still play online, any genre,(ex: WoW, cod4...) but when i mean people, i mean enough people to find matches... not have to wait 20 mins to find 2 people playing online.. :?
Im getting a mac book pro, and i want games for it, dont worry if its pc only game, i can put windows on my mac to run they smoothly.
Your first onespendinbigshe said she doesnt want to see u or ur 2 inch dick anyone... stop calling her!
meh? what do u guys think these or mine?how about these
donkey lover
fat drunk and easy
master bator
smokin and strokin
Hey Guys, I need some help...
Im thinking of changing my Gamertag: Its a boring one right now : Matthew1245
Im thinking of either: Pubic Stylist or Orphan Factory.
I dont know which one to choose, can some people help me make up my mind?
thanks alot, and please dont post other names, im trying to narrow it down. ;)
Haha, Public Stylist sounds a bit "happy" which would be okay, if you are too, but if not, the second choice is funny, lol.
what do you mean... which one do you choose>? lol
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