matthew_ds' forum posts
I can see a world of opportunity opening up for a DS Wrestling port. My son has a DS (Christmas) and some of the online features are great. In Mario Kart, say if you and I had a DS and wanted to play online. We would exchange "Friend" codes and everytime I log on, it would look for you first, or in case, look for "my friends".Those are all great ideas
Now imagine, what if we all here had a DS WWE and could have each other in our online circle? Number 1, unlike SD and WM21, we would only Wrestle against people whom which we know and know will abide by the set rules beforehand. None of this MAX stats Wrestler crap online.
It would keep the buzzards our of our Fed. Now take Tony Hawk for the DS. You can actually draw your own custon skateboard. Custom ring logos can you say? Also, all stats are kept online. At any time, you can see who the leaders are online by name, area, track, win percentage, the works. This would be great for Wrestling as well.
Now take a look at Animal Crossing. Again, friend code. You create your town, give me your friend town code and I can visit your town, talk with you, walk with you, trade, buy items from you. Thinking what I'm thinking? That's right, online feds.
Want to test your skills in the EAWF and see how you fare against it's Wrestlers, I give you the code, you come in. You like what you see, you stay for a while and get booked in matches, start fueds. Had enough of the EAWF and want to hang out at someone else's created fed for a while, it's all about the code.
I'm telling you, there is a goldmine to be had here online and with the DS Wrestling community. Hell, it could be something as simple as a Gamespot fed online with Gamespot belts. Again, we all have "the code" and just hang there. I see hella possibilities. I hope someone has something up their sleeve because this idea is the best thing going, Monk....
Also, I forgot about downloadable content such as edit sharing/trading or dare I say it, new moves.Monkboon
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