i dont own warhawk yet but over resistance and rainbow 6 i would probably say get rainbow 6. I love the campaign and online play in that game but in rfom im not crazy about the campaign with its spread out check points.
i own the 360 and although it has alot of great games for some reason i always wanna play the ps3 over it. I cant really explain it, its like its such a professional gaming system its so smooth and streamlined its a blast to own and it looks great by your tv. and i only own 5 games for it. One of which is rainbow six vegas which i own on both consoles, i never touched it on 360 but i just beat it on ps3 and i had the 360 version at christmas and just got my ps3 in july
if your getting an lcd save up and get a samsung(the best for lcds) or sony. But if you need to get a lower end model i would say a Vizio type. They actually sold more lcd tvs then any other company cause there cheap and not half bad.
Ninja Gaiden is a great game, really hard though. But like someone said above RFOM is more bang for your buck, once you get good at the game the online is really fun.
i just noticed the same thing watching pirates 2, i kept toggling but i couldnt get rid of them it made me mad cause it defeats the whole purpose of widescreen
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