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Opinion: Is There Sill a Place for Dedicated Gaming Consoles?

Has the Evolution of Consoles Surpassed Simply Gaming Machines?

Microsoft and Sony released their next generation consoles last year with Nintendo releasing their console back in 2012. Sales for both the Xbox One and PS4 have surpassed previous generations while the Wii U has had a poor start in the sales department. Consoles today are almost unrecognizable when compared to that on the NES and Sega Saturn.

They both can still play games but now consoles are more than just for playing games on. Consoles are now an entertainment hub with gaming as one of its major focuses. The Xbox One Reveal last year spent more time talking about Television and Entertainment than it did about games and has lower specifications than that of the PS4 though sales are relatively close. More people these days are using their consoles as a glorified Netflix box and for watching Blu Rays than we’ve seen in previous generations.

It’s no secret that the PC gaming market is booming right now with Steam offering huge sales and components for PC’s being cheaper than ever. Another factor is that due to the large amount of console ports on PC’s playing games on minimum specifications doesn’t require an impressive build. With the low cost barrier to entry and the savings made on games it is surprising more people don’t move over to PC gaming.

So why haven’t we seen more people move over to the PC? It is simple, ease of use. Consoles are a long-term investment and are guaranteed to play games for the next 5 or so years until the next console release. In the PC world even buying the top of the range graphics card will see you outdated in the next 6 months. Valve has recently announced a range of dedicated PC’s made for gaming that seems to merge consoles and PC for the best of both worlds in the Steambox. The Steambox runs on the SteamOS which is a modified Linux-based Operating System designed specifically to be optimised for use with PC games.

While people are still trying to work out the market for Valve’s Steambox and most people prefer either building their own gaming PC or buying a console it will be interesting to see how this changes Microsoft’s approach to PC gaming. Ever since the release of the Xbox, Microsoft have dropped the ball on their PC gaming side with the occasional exclusive being ported over and a broken marketplace known as GFWL. Trying to charge PC gamers to play online was a big mistake and one that cost them a lot of respect in the PC gaming arena.

There will never be a generation in the future that will see a fully dedicated gaming console unless you count the Steambox which is more a glorified PC than console. Console makers simply don’t want to limit their market share anymore to simply gamers and this also gives consumers more value for money.

Microsoft originally announced their plans for more focus on the entertainment aspect for the Xbox it was met with a large outcry of gamers saying they had forgotten about their core fans.

If this is to be put into context look at the evolution of the mobile phone in the last 20 years. It went from a portable device that could play the occasional B&W game, text, call and receive calls to a device that can do almost everything your computer can. From taking pictures, to using the internet and using applications for business or pleasure, the evolution of technology is inevitable and so to is the change in focus of devices and companies.

People can still call and text on their phone, just like people can still play games on their console however now there are even more options to choose from.

(Originally posted on my Website here:


Matthew is an avid gamer and loves film and new media. Follow him on MyIGN or on Twitter at @Mattkenealy10.